1. Interfaces
  2. HTTP Request Handling

HTTP Request Handling

Easy-to-use interface to handle incoming http requests.

Ampt provides a fetch based HTTP request handler as part of the @ampt/sdk. The http interface provides developers with various functions including:

  • Integrating with existing Node-based web frameworks such as Express, Connect, etc.
  • Returning custom error pages for 4xx and 5xx responses.
  • Serving static assets without needing an API framework.

Integrating with Node-based Web Frameworks

The http interface from the @ampt/sdk provides a node.use method that lets you integrate your favorite Node-based web frameworks into an Ampt app. The http.node.use method wraps the instance of your framework and exposes any defined routes on the root of your public *.ampt.app URL.

Ampt runs your web frameworks automatically, so you DO NOT need to use .listen or .createServer. Here is an example of an Express.js app:

Express.js example
import { http } from "@ampt/sdk"; import express from "express"; const expressApp = express(); expressApp.use("/express", (req, res) => { res.send("hello express"); }); http.node.use(expressApp);

You can control which routes get routed to your Node-based Framework by using a prefix. By default, all routes will be sent to the framework's handler.

Express.js example
// all `/api` prefixed routes will be handled in Express, 404's included http.node.use("/api", expressApp); // Routes that do not start with `/api` and are not found will hit this http.on(404, "404.html");

For examples of other popular web frameworks, please visit our Node-based Web Frameworks documentation.

Custom Error Responses

When a request is made to an HTTP path that is not handled, Ampt will return a default plain text 404 response. You can send a static HTML response using http.on(404, <path>). For example, using a file named 404.html in the root of your project:

import { http } from "@ampt/sdk"; http.on(404, "404.html");


If using a framework that ingests all routes, the 404 Response from the framework will be returned and not fall through to the http.on handler.

For a single-page application you would use static/index.html so all paths will load your site's index.html page.

import { http } from "@ampt/sdk"; http.on(404, "static/index.html");

When your application throws an exception, by default Ampt will return a JSON response:

{ "message": "Internal Server Error" }

To return a custom error response, your application must catch any errors and send the desired response. How you do that depends on the framework you are using. Using Express you could use an error handler:

app.use((err, req, res, next) => { console.error(err.stack); res.status(500).send("Something broke!"); });

Setting Timeouts

By default, all HTTP requests will timeout at 29 seconds. This can be raised or lowered using the http.setTimeout method. For example, to set the timeout to 10 seconds:

http.setTimeout(10000); // 10 seconds http.node.use(expressApp);

This will set the timeout of all incoming http requests to 10 seconds.


You must have Response Streaming enabled in your app's settings to raise the timeout above 29 seconds. This is enabled by default. You can check in your environment's Settings tab.

Reading static assets from application code

Although static assets can be read from the file system in sandboxes, they are not stored in the file system when your application is deployed to a stage. We recommend that you not read static assets from your application. Any files your application needs at runtime should be stored within your project outside the "static" folder. For example, you can create an "assets" folder to hold images or html files that your application can then read from the file system at runtime.

If your application still needs to read static files, it is possible to do so using the http.readStaticFile(relativePath) method. This will return a ReadableStream instance that you can use to read the file. For example to read an image in your project that is in "static/images/image.jpeg" and process it using jimp you could use:

import { http } from "@ampt/sdk"; import Jimp from "jimp"; const stream = await http.readStaticFile("images/image.jpeg"); const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; // convert ReadableStream to Buffer for await (const chunk of stream) { chunks.push(chunk); } const buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks); const image = await Jimp.read(buffer);


By default, readStaticFile returns a ReadableStream instance. If you need an instance of Readable, use http.node.readStaticFile.

Custom 404 pages

readStaticFile can be used to serve custom 404 HTML pages from within an HTTP framework like Express.

To return a dynamic response, your application needs to handle the requested path and return the desired response. The details of how to do this depend on the framework you are using. For example, using Express you can add a default handler:

import { http } from "@ampt/sdk" import express from "express" const app = express() app.use('/api', ...) app.use(async (req, res) => { // Return custom 404 page in "static/404.html" res.status(404).set('Content-Type', 'text/html') const stream = await http.node.readStaticFile("404.html") return stream.pipe(res) })

Single-Page Applications (SPAs)

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) are applications that load a single HTML page and dynamically update that page as the user interacts with the application. SPAs are typically built using a JavaScript framework such as React, Vue, or Angular.

You can use http.readStaticFile or http.node.readStaticFile to serve the index.html page for all paths. For example, using Express:

import { http } from "@ampt/sdk" import express from "express" const app = express() app.use('/api', ...) app.use(async (req, res) => { // Return "static/index.html" res.status(200).set('Content-Type', 'text/html') const stream = await http.node.readStaticFile("index.html") return stream.pipe(res) })

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